Welcome to M&Em Landscape Gardeners, LLC
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Welcome to our web site!

M&Em Landscape Gardeners is a family owned Landscape Design, Installation and Maintenance company. We serve the Triangle area of Central North Carolina. Please contact us if you're interested in any of our services!

Hiring the right landscape designer can make all the difference in a gardening project. We aren't just landscape designers though...
We give Expert Advice.
We at M&Em Landscape Gardeners are Professional Horticulturalists.  We know how to select plants as well as site and plant them correctly.  We have a keen eye for detail and aesthetics to assist you in selecting the best plants or features for the specific elements of your landscape project.

Our expert knowledge also allows us to advise on cultural requirements, soil structure, irrigation, and drainage issues. Our years of living, and working, in the Triangle area give us the expertise to get the job done right - the first time!

One of the greatest all-time perennials is the Purple Cone Flower - Echinacea  This is a great sun lover who will reward you each summer with beautiful blooms, then in the fall and winter it will attract beautiful finches with it's 'cones' of seed heads.

Purple coneflower


M&Em Landscape Gardeners, LLC
107 Pine Ridge Court
Wake Forest, NC 27587

Phone: (919) 810-5599
Fax: (919) 556-6191


Please get in touch to offer comments or schedule a consultation.

Under construction - please be patient! Email us at mandemlandscapes@aol.com!!!